Hello There! I am Anuvab Chakravarty. I help organizations achieve specific goals through my technical Skills. I am also a Writer in my spare time and I've served several organizations through my content writing services.


My Tech Stack and Tools:


I am well-versed in C and C++. I mostly use C++ to solve problems pertaining to Data Structures and Algorithms on Leetcode. I am particularly fond of the C++ STLs.


My go-to language for projects related to ML, Image Processing and other industry-oriented fields. Absolutely fond of the numerous pre-defined modules and functions.


My first programming language. I learnt Java in School as a part of our course and it has, is and will always be my preferred language for Object-Oriented Programming.


A much-needed tool, CSS3 offers a wide range of new features including animations, transforms, and responsive design for modern web development and improved user experience.


HTML5 introduces new elements, attributes, and APIs for creating interactive and multimedia-rich web pages. It was the first Web Development tool that I learnt about in School.

Bootstrap 5

A popular front-end framework for building responsive, mobile-first, and cross-browser compatible websites, I use it pretty often for my webpages. This website itself, uses Bootstrap 5.


Services that I provide:

Content Writing

I am well-versed in SEO, Research Article and Web Content Writing. My creative flair allows me to create content that grabs attention while staying concise and strictly pertinent.

Source Code

I can provide readable, reusable and highly optimized source code written in C/C++ or Java. My coding practices are clean and well-documented, thus enabling easy collaboration.


My Academic Qualifications:

98.0% in ISC 2021 - Class XII

Calcutta Boys' School

I was recommended for the INSPIRE scholarship for being among the top 1% of performers in ISC 2021.

My Marksheet

95.8% in ICSE 2019 - Class X

Calcutta Boys' School

Was among the top performers in my school. Had a perfect score of 100/100 in Chemistry and a 99/100 in Mathematics.

My Marksheet

9.615 SGPA (Till 2nd Semester)

B.Tech CSE at TMSL

I joined Techno Main Salt lake in 2021.


Experiences, PORs and Volunteering

Freelance Content Writer

WebTextPro Content Solutions

December 2022 - January 2023

During my short tenure, I have prepared web content and blog posts for clients following best SEO practices. I have maintained deadlines and delivered well-researched content on a variety of topics.

Content Wing Member

Institution's Innovation Council (IIC TMSL)

November 2021 - Present

I serve the organization by preparing web content, writeups, reports, MOUs and well-researched articles for their social media posts, event posters and websites.


Centre of Incubation, Innovation and Creation (CIIC)

November 2021 - Present

I have become a member of this community very recently through their selection process. I look forward to working for the team.

Content and Research Team

Samarth TMSL - The Civil Service Society

November 2021 - Present

I was selected as a member through the 'Clash of Creativity' in which I stood first. I did the event 'Voices of the Youth' and supplied curated content for their blog.

Content Writer

Eclectica - The literary Committee of TMSL

November 2021 - Present

Being a member of the literary club, I utilize my creative flair to create event writeups and articles for their blog. I have also won quite a few debates, extempore and creative-writing competitions organized by the club.

Startup Wing Member

Institution's Innovation Council (IIC TMSL)

November 2021 - Present

I am mentoring two teams participating in the IIC Bootcamp. As a mentor, I help the teams understand the flaws in their ideas and refine them. I also provide input regarding the event flow of the community.

PR Representative

Institution's Innovation Council (IIC TMSL)

November 2021 - Present

As a PR representative for IIC I have anchored events, hosted seminars and even promoted events ona large scale throughout the college.

Graphics Wing Member

Institution's Innovation Council (IIC TMSL)

November 2021 - Present

I was selected as a member through the drive and since then I have used my designing skills to create posters, brochures and other visual elements for IIC.


What my seniors, colleagues and employers have to say:

I have worked with Anuvab in CIIC as well as in Departmental events. He was responsible for all the content required in the events. Anuvab has excellent content writing skills. Apart from his writing, he possesses good communication skills and is a team player. He can adapt quickly and deliver quality content under pressure and short deadlines.

Vivek Kr. Agarwal

Student Head at CIIC, Money Matters.

Anuvab is an extremely creative and inspiring individual. His time management skills deserve a special mention. And, he is always up for challenges. Moreover, his varied experiences and interests make him the perfect addition to the team. Anuvab is always ready to learn new skills to ensure he's the best at what he does.

Ayushi Dey

Student Convenor, IIC TMSL.


Featured Items:


All my Certifications:

From DS, ML, Web Development to Awards won in events, to English Proficiency, I have kept all of my skills certified by competent professional organizations.

See All Certificates

Awards and Honours

My Recent Accolades:

I have attended and participated in quite a few events and college fests over the past few years and have been awarded positions. Here are some of them in reverse chronological order.

Check out Awards


Recent Academic Courses taken:

These are only some of the courses that I have been enrolled into as a part of my college curriculum of B.Tech in Computer Science and Technology.

See Courses


My Projects:

I have started working on a few projects to hone my coding, ML as well as Web Development skills through practical work.

See Projects

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